To all my Ohana out there who have been wanting more you go. I hope you enjoy them. I hope you also enjoy the captions that go with them. This is to make up for all the "Caption of the Day" pictures we've missed.

These are some of the career paths I've been thinking about. Let me know what you think. If you have any other suggestions I would love to hear from you.
Now for the "Caption of The Day." We had many people answer the challenge and it was tough coming up with the winning title. But after hours and hours of deliberation we went with Auntie Resa's...."What, owe you money?" A close second was Uncle Harrison's "No! My halo slipped onto my forehead! What do I do?" Congrats to Auntie Resa for being our first winner. A thank you card will be on its way. Know don't feel left bad that your caption wasn't chosen...there is always this week. Take a look under "Name DAT Caption" and give it another try.
Mahalo again for all of our Ohana for taking time out to connect with us. We aren't the best at keeping in touch but we are trying. You all mean a lot to us and we hope by doing this you will begin to realize that. Mahalo again and have a great week.
Love and Aloha,
Willim Kawikakaopuakalaaukahi Solomon
Aloha everyone. This has been a great day for my Daddy. He has waited 36 years for this day and now that it is here he doesn't know how to act. He did what he usually does on a Sunday.
We got a phone call from G-Ma Solomon (Tutu) wishing Daddy a happy Daddy Day. He enjoyed that. In fact, he enjoyed everyone who offered up those same salutations. He plans on calling G-Pa Solomon and wishing him a happy Daddy Day later on in the evening. hope that everyone is enjoying this day as much as we have. It has been great to see Dad finally get to celebrate His special day.
Love and Aloha,
William Kawiakaopuakalaaukahi Solomon
My cousin Hookena taught me how to Shaka Bra. I haven't gotten the hang of it just yet but I'm hopeful. I got the fist pumping down like a champion. Also in this video you will here the voice of my Uncle Ricky, Aunty Sila, and my Daddy. You will also get to see my dear friend Ellie (Elizabeth Kinghorn). She is the newest member of Uncle Brian, Aunty Leah, and Alexis's Ohana. She is cutie.